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Monday 27 October 2014

SPD4459 簡單生活篇肆-城門谷公園 Simple Life Chapter 4: Shing Mun Valley Park

The best place of photography in Tsuen Wan

氣漸涼,最適合出走到郊外。其實香港這個城市,只要你細心看,仍隱藏著不少綠洲,值得我們細味。 而你又有沒有考慮到城門谷公園一遊?城門谷公園是香港一個大型公園,位於新界荃灣城門谷城門道,毗鄰象山邨及石圍角邨。
As winter is coming, it is the best time to go nature. Actually, you can see lots of oasis surrounding us in Hong Kong. It is meaningful for us to go there. Have you ever considered to go Shing Mun Valley Park? The Shing Mun Valley Park is located at Shing Mun Road, adjacent to Cheung Shan Estate and Shek Wai Kok Estate in Tsuen Wan.

門谷公園佔地10.73公頃,康樂設施多元化,一應俱全,為市民提供一個運動消閒的好去處。城門谷公園分為北園和南園。北園主要設施包括了網球場、兒童遊樂場長者健體園地, 而南園則包括玫瑰園、卵石路步行徑、小型人工瀑布、6米高的噴泉、足球場兼手球場、籃球場兼排球場等,市民可以任意選擇。
The Shing Mun Valley Park occupies an area of 10.73 hectares. Equipped with both active and passive recreational facilities, it provides an ideal place for sports and leisure for the public. The Park is divided into the North Garden and the South Garden. The major facilities at the North Garden include tennis courts, a children's play area and fitness corner for elderly. And South Garden includes a rose garden, Pebble Walking Tiles, an artificial cascade, a fountain 6m in height, soccer pitch cum Handball Court and basketball-cum-volleyball courts, etc. Those facilities are provided lots of choice to the public.

落在公園中央的是城門谷運動場,面積4.8公頃,擁有全天候 8  400 米跑道,跨欄及接力等田徑項目都可以在這兒進行。同時,並設有草地足球埸和兩方看台,共容納 5 千名觀眾。在運動場保養日星期一期間,跑道仍開放給市民進行緩跑活動,是一個可以練跑和做運動的好地方。位於公園西面城門道的城門谷游泳池,前稱城門谷綜合泳館其最大特色是室內主池,採用多用途設計作不同功用。

hing Mun Valley Sports Ground is located in the middle of the park, an area of 4.8 hectares. It consist 8 line of Tartan track with 400 meters. For example, Hurdles and relay and other track and field events can take part in here. Besides, there is a football pitch with 2 spectator stand. It can occupy around 5000 spectators. For the maintenance of Valley Park on Monday, the tartan track is still opened for the public to carry out jogging. It a good place to run and do exercise. Shing Mun Valley Swimming Pool is located at the west of Shing Mun road, it is named as Shing Mun Valley Swimming Complex before. 

Arriving Shing Mun Valley Park, you cannot miss to capture the beautiful moment of lotuses. There are lots of lotuses in the park and the landscape is good. The small drops on the leaves is as clear as crystal. It can highly compare with the Honghu Park in Shenzhen. If you love to take photography, it is a place you cannot miss.  

Additional information(附加資料)



九巴32號路線 (由石圍角邨至奥運港鐵站)   九巴32B號路線 (由象山邨至荃湾西港鐵站)
公共小型巴士 (由海垻街至象山邨)
專線小巴82M 號路線(由兆和街至象山邨)

前往南園及運動場 九巴43X號路線 (由沙田耀安邨途經石圍角邨至荃灣西港鐵站)
專線小巴81M號路線 (由兆和街至石圍角邨)

專線小巴94號路線(由石围角邨至葵盛邨 )

How to Access

To South Garden, North Garden and Sports Ground

KMB Route No.32 (from Shek Wai Kok Estate to Olympic Railway Station)
KMB Route No.32B (from Cheung Shan Estate to Tsuen Wan West Railway Station)
KMB Route No.32M (from Cheung Shan Estate to Kwai Fong Railway Station)
Public Light Bus (from Hoi Pa Street to Cheung Shan Estate)
Green Minibus Route No.82M (from Siu Wo Street to Cheung Shan Estate)

To South Garden and Sports Ground KMB Route No.43X (from Yiu On Estate, Sha Tin via Shek Wai Kok Estate to Tsuen Wan West Railway Station)
Green Minibus Route No.81M (from Siu Wo Street to Shek Wai Kok Estate)
Green Minibus Route No.94 (from Shek Wai Kok Estate to Kwai Shing Estate)


*Edited by Chan Ho Yi, Ivy
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


1 comment:

  1. 細細個個陣,我都好鍾意黎呢到
