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Monday 3 November 2014

SPD4459 特色小店篇叁-拉麵台風 Unique Stores Chapter 3: Ramen Taifu

荃灣最有日式風味的拉麵The Best Japanese-Style Ramen in Tsuen Wan
Recently, many famous Japanese ramen chain opened in Hong Kong. Hong Kong people get burst of the ramen craze. Unexpectedly,there are a famous ramen shops opened up in Tsuen Wan, which is called "Ramen Taifu". It is the paradise for the ramen lover .The shop is very popular since you can always see a queue waiting outside the shop, proving its quality of ramen.


Although the size of the shop is not big, the decoration inside the restaurant is filled with Japanese style. The service attitude of the staff is really nice as they will explain the menu to the customer in a very polite manner. You can tick your flavourite food on the order paper. The choices are just like other ramen shop which include the hardness of the noodles, the concentration of soup, the size and snacks

1) 魚介豬骨湯拉麵

1) Pork broth with fish ramen
Ramen Taifu only provides four types of ramen. The most popular one is pork broth with fish. It includes 3 slice of pork, half of an egg, a piece of seaweed, bamboo shoot and green onion. The soup is totally different from others since they have mixed other sauces in the pork bone soup. The texture of the soup is much more concentrated but you will not feel too greasy. The mouth-watering point is the pork. The egg is being processed with sauce and it is very juicy. The bamboo shoot is tasty and refreshing too.

2) 豬軟骨(骨膠原)撈麵

2) Porcine cartilage (collagen) lo mein
It features no soup noodles. You can feel the strong taste while having the noodles. You will feel that it is full of collagen in the soup. The fish powder which is added in the soup, makes the soup even more fresh and sweet. You can add the lemon sauce in the noodles, so it can reduce the greasiness of the collagen.

3) 紅色暴雨拉麵
喜歡辣的顧客可以選擇紅色暴雨拉麵, 選前先考慮自己能應付的辣度它的辣味其實都是恰到好處,既不會搶走去其他主菜原來的味道 (包括:豚肉和拉麵),又能刺激到一下味蕾的震奮,真的不錯。如果覺得辣麵店有提供檸檬水,可供顧客解辣
3) Red Storm Ramen
For the people who love spicy, we recommend you the red storm ramen. People can choose the level of spiciness .The pungency degree is just on the right level. It will not cover the taste of other main ingredients of the ramen , i.e. Pork and noodles. It can give you excitement while eating the noodle.There are lemonade provided to the customer to relief them from spicy.

4) 伊台風

4) Yi Taifu
This is the most special ramen among others. You can find how ex-ordinary of it before the staff serve it to you. It is because the chef will use the fire, which is to melt the cheese over. It made an ordinary ramen to ex-ordinary. The texture of the noodle is just right. The reason of making this awesome noodle is they will use a timer to count the hardness of the noodles.

附加資料 (Additional Information) 

地址: 荃灣大河道81號寶成樓地下7號舖
營業時間:星期一至日: 12:00-16:00; 18:00-23:00

Address: Shop 7 ,G/F, Po Shing Mansion, 81 Tai Ho Road ,Tsuen Wan
Individual Average Spending: $70-$150
Opening hour: Mon-Sun 12:00-16:00; 18:00-23:00

*Edited by Tse Hoi Yan, Ellie
A students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 



  1. 依間拉麵店好吸引呀,搵日約個friend去試下先!

  2. 依間拉麵店好吸引呀,搵日我都約班groupmate 去試下先!
