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Tuesday, 7 October 2014

SPD4459 食指大動篇貳-莎樂美餐廳 Mouth Watering Chapter 2: Salami Restaurant

The Most Value-for-money Steak House in Tsuen Wan

莎樂美是荃灣價簾物美及老牌享負成名的扒房之一,在晚上不難看到餐廳外水洩不通、車水馬龍的情況。它位於荃灣沙咀道, 店内氣氛相當有情調,每張桌上都點燃著蠟燭,充斥著八十年代的氣氛。

Salami Restaurant is one of the most popular steak houses in Tsuen Wan. It is very famous for the quality and resaonable price. When you pass by, you can always see people queuing up oustide the restaurant. It is located at Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan. You can feel the romantic atmosphere when you get in to this restaurant with the dim lighting by the candles on the table. Actually, You can feel the atmosphere of the Eighties.


You can enjoy the most resonable price when you go Salami at lunch time. The food provided by Salami is so famous for its giant size. It is no doubt to choose sizzling plate set. The lunch set includes a soup, a main dish, a bread, a drink and a dessert. The price is absolutely value-for-money. 


The bread is still warm when it is on dish. It has not been over baked. The better way to consume this bread is to put the borscht with the bread which is fully wiped with half melt butter. You can see there is no any grease floating on the borscht and the pungency degree is just right and in customer flavor. Beef and sirloin are included in the soup, they are unique in the some long-history steak house, and also, there is enough vegetable in the soup. To conclude, it is a tasty borscht.


The most popular dish in Salami is sizzling plate with mixed meat. The size of the set is really large, you may not be able to finish it alone. When the waiter pours the sauce on the top of the sizzling plate, you can hear it sizzling sound and no one can reject to eat when you smell it. The sizzling plate with mixed meat include sausage, ham, chicken wings, steak, pork chop, grilled chicken. It looks very rich. The set of mixed meat are very full. All of them are very thick and large pieces. The sauce are gravy, the meats are full with juice. The potato wedges are also not quite good. We highly recommend you to you to give it a try


The ice-cream which is included in the set, is rich in chocolate favor and is also mixed with some smash chocolate, making it even more tasty.

附加資料 (Additional Information)


電話: 24925021
營業時間: 1000-2300
個人平均消費: (午餐) $40-$120 
/ (晚餐) $101-$201

Address:G/F, 294 Sha Tsui Rd, Tsuen Wan
Contact number: 24925021
Opening hour: 1000-2300
Average spending per individual: (Lunch) $40-120 / (Dinner) $101-$201

*Edited by Tse Hoi Yan, Ellie , Chan Ho Yi, Ivy & Chung Ching Tat, Chris
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations



  1. I really love this restaurant. The price is so affordable and the taste is quite good. Thanks for sharing! Support!

  2. I would like to try sometime!

  3. 嘩...見到呢個鐵板既介紹我就流晒口水啦...

  4. Lunch 去食真係抵同正!!

  5. 哩間好味呀!

  6. 莎樂美一向秉承住物超所值(Value for money)既宗旨經營

  7. is the positioning of this restaurant value-for-money? haha!
    no matter how it is, i love eating the steak like this for quite value-for-money! This can highly induce me to purchase it again and again!
