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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

SPD4459 簡單生活篇陸-荃灣曹公潭戶外康樂中心 Simple Life Chapter 6: Tsuen Wan Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre

The Most Valuable Family Gathering 

久沒有一家大小一起去旅行嗎? 是因為沒有時間安排? 怕目的地不能滿足所有家人的要求引至不愉快的結局? 怕天氣不佳會令家人掃興? 還是因為怕消費太高所以只是一直在羨慕其他人的家庭旅行? 其實放假本就應該簡單一點,不用顧慮太多。現在我們將會為您推介一個好去處讓您可以解決以上您所有的疑慮,與家人一起渡過一個放鬆又開心的週末吧!

When is your last time to go travel with your family? Is that a long time ago? Is it because you do not have time to plan for it? Or Are you are worried that the destination is not suitable for all family members? Or are you worried about the weather? Or don't you want to spend too much on it?  Now, you don’t have to be jealous to the others. We are going to suggest you a place that can erase all of your worries. Let’s enjoy a really happy and relaxing weekends!

Tsuen Wan Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre is a convenient and tranquil holiday camp. There are a variety of recreational facilities which can satisfy all of your family members’ wants. Furthermore, all of the facilities are located in the same building that you don’t have to worry about the weather.

Now, let me introduce you about the facilities in this holiday camp.

For those who are active and sporty, there are archery range,swimming pool, basketball or volleyball court, tennis court which are located in the outdoor area. Also, there are indoor badminton court, squash court, table tennis corner and the American pool room. These facilities allow you to  have a small contest with your family members.


For those who don’t want to spend a lot of energy, there is a place where you can make your own creations with your creativity. You can also bring it home as souvenir. Apart from that, you can also go to the reading room and TV room which let you follow the latest news and take rest at the same time. There is also a big karaoke room which let you sing together with your or perform in front of them.

小朋友及長輩怎麼辦? 營地設有位於戶外的歷奇區、繩網陣、滾軸溜冰場、運動攀登牆、小型高爾夫球場、遊樂天地、植物研習徑、兒童遊樂場及位於室內的兒童遊戲室。而長者亦可以到足健徑及長者健體園地舒展一下。

So, how about the kids and the elderly? There are adventure area, rope course, roller skating rink, sport climbing wall, mini- golf area, play zone, nature walk, children’s playground in the outdoor and the children’s play room inside the building. Elderly can go to the walking tiles and  the fitness corner specially for them to stretch out .

家大小都有了自己的活動,不用擔心了吧? 對了,好像忘記了饍食的安排, 營地的餐廳可以為您提供早午晚三餐你您亦可以選擇到燒烤場燒烤,中心也可以提供燒烤包方便各位營友。晚上餓了也可以到餐廳購買夜宵。特別提示,營地提供不同的桌上遊戲讓您借到房間跟家人玩一個晚上,好好讓您們增進感情。
Now, everyone has their own activity. However, there is still one thing that you may also concern about, dining. There is a canteen in the camp which can satisfy your hunger!  You can also choose to have a barbecue and pay for the barbecue pack which is more convenient. In the midnight, you can also buy some snacks in the restaurant. 
A special reminder, there are many different board games that allow you to borrow and play inside your room overnight. This maybe a good way for you to enhance the relationship between your family members.
麼好的地方收費一定很高吧? 那您就錯了由於這是受政府資助的營地,收費相宜,絕對是一個休閑娛樂的好地方還等什麼?馬上起行訂營,計劃您和家人的悠閒假期吧!

Do you think this good venue costs you a lot? Definitely not! Since it is a subverted campsite, the price is very reasonable. Don’t hesitate! Take Action and plan for your carefree holiday with your family.

Please refer to the link below for further details.


附加資料 (Additional Information)

設施位置圖 Floor Plan

前往方法 Ways to go


*Edited by Wong Pui In, Keke
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 


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