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Saturday, 11 October 2014

SPD4459 食指大動篇伍–深井裕記大飯店 Mouth Watering Chapter 5: Yue Kee Restaurant

The Most Classic and Long-Lasting Restaurant of Roast Goose in Tsuen Wan 

深井燒鵝享負成名,多年以來一直得到各界各地的讚賞。今天,我們就帶你們一嚐深井燒鵝,此乃業內最有名及最歷史悠久的裕記大飯店! 裕記大飯店除了首屈一指的深井燒鵝之外,還有很多中外馳名的拿手小菜,吸引不少中外遊客甚至本土食客慕名前來。

Chinese-style Roast Goose is a famous food in Hong Kong, and has been hailed as a good reputation in different countries. Today, we would like to introduce Yue Kee Restaurant, having this long history and high publicity in the industry of professional cooking of roasting goose and Chinese-style cuisine, which attracts a lot of foreign visitors and local customers to patronage.


The quality of Chinese-style Roast Goose is pretty good. Having a series of high-temperature baking and roasting, the Roast Goose becomes so juicy, which is distributed to all the parts of goose. The secret of success is the veteran chef are good at controlling the heating temperature and cooking time with the acumination of the experience for many years!


This dish is made of different precious ingredients, such as fish maw and trepang etc. with the sauce of abalone. The nutrition value of the dish is very high specially for the area of the beauty indeed. Actually, the taste is super good and the display is super attractive as well.


Besides the Chinese-style Roast Goose, this dish of stir-frying minced shrimp meat with broccoli is also delicious with the cooking experience of the chef! This success point of this dish requires the chef having to control the heating process at an optimum level and timely manipulation of the ingredients!


This chicken fillet with sour lemon sauce is a typical dish in Chinese cuisine and demands a lot of cooking efforts in process. The driving force of success in Yue Kee Restaurant is the secret formula of the mixed sauces and freshly-to-be-produced lemon sauce!


Actually these two dishes utilize the freshly-caught squid and ink-fish. The chef made use of the minced squid and ink-fish meat for deep-frying them with pepper salt. This consumption is obviously a classic Chines-style approach. Through deep-flying, all the food materials will become so crispy and attractive. Many kids love to eat especially.

附加資料(Additional Information)

地址: 深井深康路9號
電話: 24910105
營業時間: 星期一至日1100-2330
每人平均消費: $101-$200

Address: 9 Sham Hong Road, Sham Tseng
Contact Number: 24910105
Opening Hour: 1100-2330, Monday to Sunday
Average Spending per individual: $101-$200

*Edited by Chung Ching Tat, Chris & Tse Hoi Yan, Ellie
Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


Friday, 10 October 2014

SPD4459 食指大動篇肆–正宗山西刀削麵皇 Mouth Watering Chapter 4: Shanxi Knife-Cut Noodle King

The Most Shanxi-Style Knife-Cut Noodle in Tsuen Wan

提到荃灣的美食,當然少不了今次推介的食店 ── 正宗山西刀削麵皇。這間麵店雖然空間比較狹窄,但即使吃完而不會催促你結帳離開。其價錢不但親民,而且份量十足,,水準又不俗,一直吸引不少食客光顧和支持。除了招牌刀削麵外,亦有多款麵飯和小食選擇,如拉麵、炸雲吞等,所以愛麵食的你絕不能錯過啊!

When talking about the cuisine in Tsuen Wan, this restaurant must be on the list - 
Shanxi Knife-Cut Noodle King. Unlike other famous noodle shops, its noodles are hand-made. Although the space of this noodle shop is quite narrow, you won't be urged to checkout immediately after dining. Their selling price is affordable and the quantities of noodles are pretty enough. That's why they can get more attentions and supports of Tsuen Wan residents and travelers as always. Except the signature "knife-cut noodle", there are still many different kinds of food for customers to choose, such as ramen and fried wontons. As a noodle lover, you must take it a try.


If you are spicy food lover, you must try knife-cut noodle with spicy pork chop. The noodle and spicy pork chop are separated when giving to you. In terms of the tastes, the pork chop is tasty and not greasy, while the thickness of noodle is uneven but tastes very chewy. Since each customer has different spice levels, so the spicy sauce is put on another small plate. In addition, the hot broth is rich in flavor. When the broth is mixing with knife-cut noodle and spicy sauce, that's the perfect match ever!


Not favor in spicy food, you can choose knife-cut noodle with Shanghai dumpling and fish tofu. Since the texture of noodle we have mentioned before, let's talk about the ingredients. The fish tofu is fried on the outer layer only, so it tastes as bouncy as fish ball. Besides, the Shanghai dumpling wrapper is quite thin and the meat inside dumpling is very delicious.


You have to try pig cartilage ramen if you love eating ramen. The noodles is much chewier than knife-cut noodles, while the pig cartilage is very tasty and yummy. They are a pretty good match. Besides, a set also includes a cup of soy milk, that tastes very rich in soy flavor and not too sweet. The price is $38 only, that really makes sense.



Besides, there is a famous fried Shanghai-style dumplings with egg, which is super delicious!

果喜歡吃小食,可以點叫一客有五粒即叫即整的炸雲吞,外皮炸得金黃鬆脆,旁邊附上沙律醬。雖然碟子上很油膩, 但外皮很有口感,不是翻炸的。豬肉和菲菜(餡料)亦非常新鮮。

If you like eating snacks, you can order a plate of fresh fried wontons (5 wontons for each plate with salad sauce). The gold wonton wrappers are very crispy. The fillings of pork and Chinese leek are fresh and high-quality.



Many food and drink TV shows used to introduce Shanxi Knife-Cut Noodle King where locating at Tsuen Wan. It implies that it is the one of famous noodle shops in Hong Kong. It is worth a try!

附加資料(Additional Information)

電話:2409 1209
營業時間:星期一至日 1030-2200

Address: Kwan Tak Building, 245 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong
Telephone number: 24091209
Operating hours: 10:30-22:00, Monday to Sunday
Average spending per person: $50

*Edited by Lee Kwok Tung, Alice
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


Wednesday, 8 October 2014

SPD4459 食指大動篇叁-嘉樂冰廳 Mouth Watering Chapter 3: The Gala Café

The Most Traditional-Hong Kong-Style Restaurant in Tsuen Wan


People are familiar with Gala Café which is highly recommended by customers in Tsuen Wan. It is a nostalgic restaurant that displays the traditional furniture and decoration, and creates the old-Hong Kong-style atmosphere as the theme. Nowadays, the food raw materials are expensive and under inflation, some of restaurants need to increase their selling price of food. However, we found out the selling point of Gala Café is still good value-for-money and the size is large. Those seats are full all day. 

到香港的經典美食又怎可缺少聞名於世的瑞士汁雞中翼伴公仔麵(右上圖)及香港人街知巷聞的懷舊叉燒湯意粉 (右下圖)?這兩款食物都是傳統冰室的「招牌」食物!

When talking about the star products in those traditional-Hong Kong-style restaurants, you can't miss the chance to have the Instant Noodle with Chicken Wings in Switzerland Sauce (The Upper-right) & Nostalgic Spaghetti with Chinese-style pork chop in soup? These two kinds of food are the typical dish that you can order in those traditional-Hong Kong-style restaurants.


Apart from these, we found out the selling point of Gala Café is still good value-for-money and the size is large. Those seats are full all day. 
火腿小奄列 Ham omelets ($26)


This omelet is made of 6 eggs. It is suggested to share one omelet to your friends.
It is not only large in size, but also full of hams inside the omelet. Besides, the omelet will be made after taking order. It shows that the owner is very professional and the heating control is also good. The appearance of the omelet is golden, and you can absolutely observe the egg would not be over-cooked, which is still tender and smooth. It shows the boss has input lots of efforts to the cooking procedure.

炸雲吞 Fried Wonton ($30)


A set of dish contains 10 fried wontons. The size is fit for your mouth absolutely! All of fried wontons will be cooked after taking order, therefore they are hot when serving. The taste is so crispy as chips and each of fried wonton is made up with shrimp meat. Besides, the taste is outstanding by adding the chutney.

阿華田奶昔Ovaltine milkshake ($25)


Ovaltine milkshake likes the flavored ice beverage, it is bigger than the normal ice drink a little bit. The taste is dense but it is not very sweet. The flavor is outstanding. Besides, it melts and disappears without a trace. It is a good choice to relieve summer heat.

附加資料 (Additional Information)

電話: 24937308
營業時間: 星期一至日 1000-1900

Additional information:
Address: G/F, 40B San Chuen Street, Tsuen Wan
Telephone number: 24937308
Opening hour: 1000-1900, Monday to Sundays
Average spending per individual: $30-$50

*Edited by Chan Ho Yi, Ivy
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

SPD4459 食指大動篇貳-莎樂美餐廳 Mouth Watering Chapter 2: Salami Restaurant

The Most Value-for-money Steak House in Tsuen Wan

莎樂美是荃灣價簾物美及老牌享負成名的扒房之一,在晚上不難看到餐廳外水洩不通、車水馬龍的情況。它位於荃灣沙咀道, 店内氣氛相當有情調,每張桌上都點燃著蠟燭,充斥著八十年代的氣氛。

Salami Restaurant is one of the most popular steak houses in Tsuen Wan. It is very famous for the quality and resaonable price. When you pass by, you can always see people queuing up oustide the restaurant. It is located at Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan. You can feel the romantic atmosphere when you get in to this restaurant with the dim lighting by the candles on the table. Actually, You can feel the atmosphere of the Eighties.


You can enjoy the most resonable price when you go Salami at lunch time. The food provided by Salami is so famous for its giant size. It is no doubt to choose sizzling plate set. The lunch set includes a soup, a main dish, a bread, a drink and a dessert. The price is absolutely value-for-money. 


The bread is still warm when it is on dish. It has not been over baked. The better way to consume this bread is to put the borscht with the bread which is fully wiped with half melt butter. You can see there is no any grease floating on the borscht and the pungency degree is just right and in customer flavor. Beef and sirloin are included in the soup, they are unique in the some long-history steak house, and also, there is enough vegetable in the soup. To conclude, it is a tasty borscht.


The most popular dish in Salami is sizzling plate with mixed meat. The size of the set is really large, you may not be able to finish it alone. When the waiter pours the sauce on the top of the sizzling plate, you can hear it sizzling sound and no one can reject to eat when you smell it. The sizzling plate with mixed meat include sausage, ham, chicken wings, steak, pork chop, grilled chicken. It looks very rich. The set of mixed meat are very full. All of them are very thick and large pieces. The sauce are gravy, the meats are full with juice. The potato wedges are also not quite good. We highly recommend you to you to give it a try


The ice-cream which is included in the set, is rich in chocolate favor and is also mixed with some smash chocolate, making it even more tasty.

附加資料 (Additional Information)


電話: 24925021
營業時間: 1000-2300
個人平均消費: (午餐) $40-$120 
/ (晚餐) $101-$201

Address:G/F, 294 Sha Tsui Rd, Tsuen Wan
Contact number: 24925021
Opening hour: 1000-2300
Average spending per individual: (Lunch) $40-120 / (Dinner) $101-$201

*Edited by Tse Hoi Yan, Ellie , Chan Ho Yi, Ivy & Chung Ching Tat, Chris
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


SPD4459 食指大動篇壹-一品雞煲 Mouth Watering Chapter 1: The Great Restaurant (Chicken Pot)

We did visit different beautiful and tranquil hiking trails In the past few days. After having full of mind calming, we have to intake many delicious foods for replenishing our energy! Now we are entering the new chapter of Mouth Watering, to search for different delicious foods and beverages in Tsuen Wan!

The Most Popular Chicken Pot in Tsuen Wan


荃灣眾安街的雞煲食店林立,處處都聞得雞煲的味道,但如何在眾多雞煲的食肆中突圍而出? 今日就向各位介紹荃灣最有名氣的「一品雞煲」,及旗下的三款星級特別美食,務求令客人一嚐雞煲的滋味。

Which one food about Tsuen Wan will you immediately think of? 

I think most of you will immediately think of “Chicken pot” in Chung On Street!
Nowadays, many Hong Kongers fall in love with “Chicken pot” and there are a lot of “Chicken pot” restaurants in the market. Facing so many competitors in the market, but, how to be the most special one?

 Today, we are going to introduce this most famous one called “The Great Restaurant” in Tsuen Wan and to introduce the three star products to you!

牛雜雞煲 Cow internal organs with chicken hot pot


If you are a super fan of eating beef, you can’t miss this “Cow internal organs with Chicken hot pot”. Obviously, this hot pot is mixed with the internal organs from cow and chicken. The main ingredients of internal organs are respectively: cow liver, tripe and dummy etc. The organs are cooked under the suitable temperature and in an optimum period, and by adding the special sauce together, it’s definitely making you to have a next order! Expectedly, chicken, the main character, is also tasty! The boss of this restaurant adopts the high-quality chicken for customers, which can let you mouth-watering!

手打四寶丸 Handmade “Four ingredients balls”


It is highly recommended the “Four ingredients balls” to you. It includes beef balls, cuttlefish ball, shrimp balls and dace ball. All of them are hand-made. The taste is completely different from those who are made by machines.

加州象拔蚌 California-made geoduck


Hong Kongers love to eat seafood. The Great Restaurant imports the geoduck from California, US, which is the most high-quality and fresh geoduck in the market. The veteran chef is good at cutting those food ingredients into very small piece and with the same size of each slice. You can enjoy each equal-size geoduck in your mouth! Actually, you have no need to add any sauce at the top of geoduck because the fresh taste can let you taste sweeter and more original!


Last but not least, you can’t miss out the beef indeed. By putting the beef in the wonderful sauce of “Chicken pot”, you can taste it differently!

附加資料 (Additional information)

電話: 2499 3377 
營業時間: 星期一至日0600-0300
個人平均消費: $150-$250 

Address: G/F, 73 Chun On Street, Tsuen Wan
Contact number: 24993377
Opening hours: 0600-0300, from Monday to Sundays 
Average spending per individual: $150-$250

*Edited by Lo Cheuk Yin, Cherry
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations     


Monday, 6 October 2014

SPD4459 洗滌心靈篇肆-圓墩郊遊徑 Mind Calming Chapter 4: Yuen Tun Country Trail

The Most Sight-worthy Hiking Trail in Tsuen Wan


Recently, the weather is getting cool, that means autumn is coming soon. What activity would you prefer doing with your friends and family in autumn? Go travel, picnic, or barbecue... Well, going hiking must be my first choice and it is the best way to relieve our pressure. As a resident living in Tsuen Wan, this time I suggest you guys going hiking in Yuen Tun Country Trail.

This slope is quite dangerous. Please be careful!

The catchwater near Tsing Lung Tau

Yuen Tun Country Trail is located at Tai Lam Country Park where closing to Tsuen Wan. Starting from the entrance of Tsing Lung Tau, and then passing Sham Tseng Settlement Basin. After that, follow the catchwater to walk upward, finally you will arrive at Yuen Tun.

Besides, as a friendly reminder, please be careful that the mountain road is too rugged. We suggest you to take a good rest before the day going hiking. Being a smart hiker, the chance of injury can be reduced.


Arriving at Yuen Tun, you will find that there are a few number of Hakka houses, but nobody lives there anymore. Do you know the reason behind such situation? Actually, Yuen Tun is a Hakka walled village long time ago. Since the local villagers were influenced when constructing the Tai Lam Chung Reservoir, so they finally moved out their homes. Nowadays, Yuen Tun village already changed as the Civil Aid Service's Yuen Tun Training Camp by Hong Kong Government. Yuen Tun village is still conserved by the government though. This rural village also rated as the Grade III historic buildings in Hong Kong in January 2010. Public are welcomed to visit it. If you are interested in learning Hong Kong culture, you must hold on the chance because it has the great historical value.


Glassy Tiger

Leaving Yuen Tun village, the road is much easier to walk. Walking along the plantation road, not only do you look at different types of plant  species, but you can also find the rare insect species. When you go higher, the wonderful views will appear in front of your eyes. On the way, you will pass along many crossroads. If you are too tired or uncomfortable, you can leave through any crossroads.

Tsing Ma Bridge - a well-known landmark in Hong Kong


The finishing point is at northern end of Tai Lam Chung Reservoir. You can go to the meadow nearby Wing Kut Bridge if you want to take a break. If not, you can choose any alley to leave. However, many alleys are quite long, you have to spend more than 1 hour to walk away from the country trail. Please plan your schedule well before going to Yuen Tun Country Trail. Hope you have a nice day in there!

 附加資料(Additional Information)

Starting point: Tsing Lung Tau

End point: Kat Hing Bridge

Average hiking time: Approximately 4 hours

Distance: Approximately 4 km

Facilities: Information board, distance posts, picnic site, pavilion, and toilet, etc.

Difficulty: ★★★
(★ the easier, ★★★★★ the most difficult)

交通資料(The Transportation)

起點 Starting point:

於青龍頭龍如路下車後,並沿龍如路步行約20 分鐘上山到達起點入口。
Getting off at Tsing Lung Tau, Lung Yue Road and walk along Lung Yue Road uphill for about 20 mins to entrance.

53 荃灣如心廣場→元朗(東)
52X 旺角(柏景灣)→屯門市中心

53 Tsuen Wan (Nina Tower) Yuen Long (East)
52X Mong Kok (Park Avenue) Tuen Mun Town Centre


Green Mini Bus:
96 Tsuen Wan Hoi Po Street→Tsing Lung Tau
96M Tsuen Wan MTR Station→Tsing Lung Tau

終點 End Point:

After reaching Kat Hing Bridge, walk along Tai Lam Forest Track for about 1.5 hours to exit at Tai Tong bus stop.

*Edited by Lee Kwok Tung, Alice
Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
