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Sunday, 5 October 2014

SPD4459 洗滌心靈篇叁-城門水塘 Mind Calming Chapter 3: Shing Mun Reservoir

The Most Natural & Valuable Hiking Trail in Tsuen Wan



Shing Mun Reservoir is located in the centre of New Territories and is a good place for picnic, barbecue, approaching the nature, taking photos, jogging and hiking etc.
The reason of Shing Mun Reservoir to become a very popular place in weekends and holidays is that the transportation is very convenient. Visitors can utilize different transportation tools to go there. Besides, there are a plenty of barbecue area and a large area of ​​picnic sites.


We would like to introduce the path from Pineapple Dam to Lead Mine Pass. Starting at Pineapple Dam, you will first pass through the west of Shing Mun Reservoir to the north of the reservoir, and then you can walk along the restricted car road to go to Lead Mine Pass. Finally, you can just simply follow the same route to back to the beginning.

Walking through Shing Mun Reservoir in the journey, you can see a lot of green plants in your sideways. You will find it relaxing while you are walking in the “forest”. And certainly, you can enjoy the unlimited fresh air and oxygen bar!

外,你還會經過城門水塘的大城石澗,它是遠足界所選的九大名澗之一  澗面寬闊、水源充足,是城門水塘的主石澗。那裏有水有石有草地,景觀開闊,很美,途中可沿石階 到那裏遊玩一番。

Besides, along the path, you will pass through the stream called Tai Shing Stream. It is one of the nine famous streams in Hong Kong. The surface of the streams is very broad and filled with unlimited water. It is the main stream in Shing Mun Reservoir. Visitors can enjoy this beautiful scenery and release the daily pressure over there.


Moreover, you will see numerous wild monkeys when you walk along the road. It is a precious chance for visitors and hikers to get in touch with wild animals.

You can find a wide variety of plants in Shing Mun Reservoir, especially for the arboretum. It is the large habitat and it consists of a large number of living sample of plants in Hong Kong. This arboretum covers four hectares and contains lots of local endangered plants, which is very valuable to the environment!

This hiking path is very popular among mountain hikers, especially in holidays. The difficulty of this path is not that complicated and the transporatation is quite convenient around that area. Starting from Pineapple Dam and ending at Lead Mine Pass just take around 3 hours. If you want to continue to go to Tai Shing Stream and Shing Mun arboretum, it is suggested to reserve 5 hours for walking to there.

附加資料 (Additional Information)
起點: 城門水塘菠蘿壩
Starting point: Pineapple Dam
終點: 城門水塘菠蘿壩
End point: Pineapple Dam
行程: 約3小時
Average hiking time: Approximately 3 hours
長度: 約8公里
Distance: Approximately 8 km
補給點: 沿途没有補給點,出發前可以在荃灣的超級巿場或便利店,購買乾糧和食水。
Replenishing stations: There is no replenishing station on the trail, so stock up with food and water at a supermarket or convenience store in Tsuen Wan.
(« the easiest, «««««the most difficult)

交通資料 (The Transportation)
前往起點大帽山閘口 (To the starting point)

Taking a bus route no. 51 towards Kam Sheung Road and alighting from Country Park Station, then walking up to Tai Mo Shan Road around 20 minutes with the opposite direction until to Tai Mo Shan Country Park Visitor Centre.

(Source: http://www.npc.,,, &

*Edited by Tse Hoi Yan, Ellie & Chung Ching Tat, Chris
Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


1 comment:

  1. 早幾日行過 好好行
