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Tuesday, 21 October 2014

SPD4459 簡單生活篇壹-荃新天地 Simple Life Chapter 1: City Walk Shopping Mall


We did visit a lot of sight-seeing attractions about Cultural and Historic Footprints in Tsuen Wan. We, SIX GREEN, are feeling tired now. Therefore, we would like to use some of Simple Life activities in Tsuen Wan for recovering our energy and relaxing to continue our journey in Tsuen Wan!

The Largest Shopping Mall in Tsuen Wan


Citywalk and citywalk 2 make a trendy destination for shopping and entertainment that features a total of 500,000 sq ft and over 300 shops. There are a lot of retails and sports brands providing an excellent shopping experience to shoppers.


Citywalk2 provides a variety of entertainment and dining restaurant for shoppers. The most attractive definition for entertainment for teenagers is the First Digital Cinema in Hong Kong – GH Citywalk Multiplex.

Adidas, Converse, Catalog 和馬拉松等。這些專售運動產品的店舖吸引很多喜歡運動的愛好者。

Citywalk provides different types of shopping stores for shoppers. For sports stores, it includes Adidas, Converse, Catalog and Marathon etc. which attract the sports lovers.

於食肆方面呢? 不用擔心! 荃新天地提供超二十間食肆。例如: Bien Bistro, Olive Café, Riso Café,星巴克咖啡,北京人家,大戶屋和翠園等。
How about the dining restaurants? Don’t worry! There are over twenty dining restaurants in Citywalk. For example, Bien Bistro, Olive Café, Riso Café, Starbucks Coffee, House of Beijing, Ootoya, Jade Garden etc.
When you have spare time, let’s go to Citywalk for shopping !

附加資料 (Additional information)

地址 Address:
香港新界荃灣楊屋道 1 號
1/F, Citywalk, 1 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

查詢電話 Contact number: 3926 5700

開放時間 Opening time: 10:00a.m. – 22:00p.m.

*Edited by Lo Cheuk Yin, Cherry
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


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