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Sunday, 12 October 2014

SPD4459 食指大動篇陸–唯一雲貴川風味 Mouth Watering Chapter 6: Yunnan Guizhou & Sichuan Noodle

The tastiest rice noodle in Tsuen Wan

到荃灣,每當想起米線,我必定會推介你去吃唯一雲貴川風味! 唯一雲貴川風味常常人氣頂盛,店外排隊的客人多的是。究竟這間食肆有什麼特別之處呢? 這間小店選用的是雲南米線,湯底有辣味與不辣,任君選擇。其勁辣湯底做得特別出色喜歡吃辣的你一定不能錯過。

When you are talking about the tastiest rice noodle in Tsuen Wan, I will highly recommend  you go to Yunnan Guizhou & Sichuan Noodle. This restaurant is highly appreciated by customers. Lots of customers are queuing outside. What is the selling point and characteristics of this restaurant? The restaurant chooses Sichuan rice noodle and the soup base can be spicy or non-spicy. The spicy soup base is remarkable. If you like spicy food, you must not miss it!

, 來到唯一雲貴川風味不得不試一試它的招牌菜。包括: 腩肉、炸醬、豬肚、麻辣雞米線、酸辣腩肉米線等這裏的腩肉非常入味,不是一般的白灼腩肉。腩肉已經去除肥肉部分,燜得非常軟腍。

Besides, you must try the recommended specialty of Yunnan Guizhou & Sichuan Noodle. They include pork belly, fried bean sauce, tripe, spicy chicken noodle and sour and hot and pork belly rice noodle. Especially, the pork belly are very tasty. The belly pork is not cooked by scalding. Also, the fat part of pork belly has been removed and soften. In addition, the taste of sour and hot soup base is rich, coupled with a large number of sprouts, cabbage, leek etc. The sour and spicy tastes are separated. Customers can experience different textures. It is extremely delicious!

附加資料 ( Additional information) 

地址: 荃灣四陂坊14號地下
電話: 26119769
星期一至日: 07:00-22:30

Address: G&14 SZE PEI SQUARE, Tsuen Wan 
Tel: 26119769
Opening hours: Mon to Sun: 0700-22:30
Price: under $50                                                               

*Edited by Lo Cheuk Yin, Cherry
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


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