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Friday, 17 October 2014

SPD4459 優惠盡在荃灣 Discounts in Tsuen Wan - MOS Burger

The Superior Tsuen Wan does not only provide different food and places for you, but also we are willing to collect some of the discounts using in Tsuen Wan.We hope that you can gain those inf
ormation in Tsuen Wan at once.

為慶祝MOS Burger開業八週年,這個魷魚漢堡現在半價出售- 只售$12!!

To celebrate Mos Burger has opened for 8 years, Fried Squid Burger costs $12 (half price)only!


The date with discount: 16-19 Oct 2014
Don't miss the chance!!!

Additional information (附加資料)

地址 荃灣楊屋道一號荃新天地地下78號舖
電話 :(852) 2941 0216
營業時間: 07:30~22:00
Address: Shop 78, G/F, City Walk, 1 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan
Telephone: (852)2941 0216
Opening hours: 7:30-22:00

*Edited by Chan Ho Yi, Ivy
A Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
